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Next Generation funds for digitization of freight transport services

MITMA plans to allocate some 6,667 million of Next Generation funds to promote sustainable, safe and connected mobility. We tell you how these funds will be distributed when the recipient is the road transport company.


Next Generation aid for transport companies 

Line 6 of the Next Generation Funds, called Component 6. Sustainable, safe and connected mobility and endowed with 47.5 million euros, is intended to promote those digitization projects passenger and freight transport services in the National scope, including Mobility as a Service (MaaS) projects.

In addition, the government plans to provide the CCAA aid worth 220 million euros to co-finance projects for the digitization of passenger and freight transport services in the regional and local level. Municipally owned companies are excluded from this measure aimed at companies.

If your company is in an initial phase of digitization or needs to expand its mobility strategy, at GesInFlot we can help you define the logistics fleet digitization project that best suits your needs, including the integration of ERP systems, your own or commercial, and of components of the main manufacturers. Do you want to start preparing your Next Generation project? contact us.